Condensation is the universe’s way of telling us “Hang in there! Summer ain’t all that bad. Lay back, stay and chill.” Especially true for the condensation on a cool glass of Rose Mint Green Iced Tea. The inspiration for this iced tea came from a Rose Tea made on the…
God, I love the winters. Living in a city like Mumbai, where cotton clothes-sunglasses-sunscreen are the holy trinity for existence, experiencing winters is a pleasure! Not only do I get to pull out sweaters from old forgotten suitcases, drinking hot coffee & chai by the gallon is perfectly acceptable. You…
Moving on with our Spinach Smoothie Specials! Today I tried on an interesting pair, the mighty banana and the stout pineapple. I always thought the banana had this amazing self confidence. It knows its strengths and its weaknesses, it never fails to make its presence felt, and love it or…